Contact Us
If you are a healthcare professional interested in scheduling an in-clinic demo, have any questions about how you can incorporate BITS into your practice, or you’d like to learn more about other Bioness Medical, Inc. products, just fill out our online form below and a representative will contact you as quickly as possible.
You can also reach us by calling 800-211-9136.
For Technical Support, click here.
¹ Davis, J., Donaldson, M., Ashe, M., & Khan, K. (2004). The role of balance and agility training in fall reduction: A comprehensive review [Abstract]. Eura Medicophys, 40(3), 211-221. Retrieved August 20, 2020.
Indications for Use: The Bioness Integrated Therapy System (BITS) is intended to challenge and assess the visual, auditory, cognitive, motor, and balance abilities of individuals, including those with deficits resulting from traumatic injuries and movement disorders as well as competitive athletes (e.g. abilities include Visuomotor Coordination, Reaction Time, Visuospatial Perception, Visual & Auditory Processing, Working Memory, Physical & Cognitive Endurance, Balance Control, Postural Stability).
The Bioness Integrated Therapy System software programs utilize moving and rotating graphics that may cause dizziness, vertigo, or nausea in sensitive patients –use should be discontinued if experienced.
Full prescribing information can be found in product labeling or at:
Instructions for Use / Patient Guides and Reference Cards can be made available upon request.
Contact [email protected] or 800-211-9136 to request an electronic copy.